1. Get Leads

Get leads

GET /api/v1/backend/chatbot/{bot_uid}/leads

The Get Leads API endpoint allows you to retrieve leads generated from a chatbot's conversations. By using this endpoint, you can obtain names, phone numbers, emails, and remarks from users who interact with your chatbots.

Path parameters

bot_uid string Required The unique ID of the chatbot for which you want to retrieve leads.

Query parameters

start_date string Optional Represents the start date of the date range for fetching conversations. the date should be in "year-month-day" format (e.g. 2023-11-19). end_date string Optional Represents the end date of the date range for fetching conversations. the date should be in "year-month-day" format (e.g. 2023-11-19). page int Optional Specifies the page number of the results for pagination. default is 1. page_size int Optional Indicates the number of results per page, which is also used for pagination. default is 10.


  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "leads": [
        "bot_uid": "86a2eb21-9711-4950-8ffd-50c04317956c",
        "conversation_uid": "a3ccacb5-c826-471e-acc4-97b8914fd40f",
        "created_at": "2023-11-13T20:02:52+00:00",
        "email": "example@chatof.ai",
        "name": "example",
        "phone": "123456",
        "remark": "remark"
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 10,
    "total": 5
  "msg": "Success.",
  "request_id": "892bf29e-07e5-4ac1-8120-040c8268cb5b"


leads list a list of Leads. page number current page. page_size number current page size. total number The total number of leads for this chatbot.


bot_uid string The unique ID of the chatbot. conversation_uid string The conversation ID from which this lead originated. created_at string The time when the lead was created. email string name string phone string remark string

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